need a little help at home?

hire a student volunteer

Your donation will fund the programs and activities that make our school amazing.

Learn more about how it works Request a helper Volunteer to be a helper bee

Popular jobs

Baby sitting
Dog walking
Snow shoveling
I need a helper for...

how it works

Student volunteers list the jobs they will do

You choose a job offered by a student.
Donate $10.

Students and their parents will work with you to get the job done!

Where will your donations go?

our mission is an experiment run by the parents of the Florida Ruffin Ridley School in Brookline, Massachusetts. Our mission is to to give students an opportunity to volunteer, to build a strong community, and to raise money for student activities.

Parents and students must raise money each year to fund everything from the school play to class events. As parents we challenged ourselves to imagine a way to do this in a way that involves the whole community.

Learn more about us

ideas? questions? comments?

Helperbees is an experiment. We'd love to hear your ideas